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International Journals


D.J. Lee, Y.J. Yang, D. E. Kim*, Boiling performance enhancement and self-recovery of nucleate boiling regime on micro- and nanostructured porous surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 238, 126516, 2025. (Corresponding author)


J. S. Oh, S. M. An, H. Y. Kim, D. E. Kim*, Experimental study on single- and two-phase flow behaviors within porous particle beds, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 55, pp.1105-1117, 2023. (Coressponding author)

J. Yoon, J. Lee, J. Eoh, H. Kim, D.E. Kim, Similarity evaluation of the pump simulation loop in STELLA-2 for conservation of mechanical sodium pump characteristics, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 55, pp.353-363, 2023. (Co-author)


D. E. Kim*, J. S. Oh, Local phase and thermal behaviors in pool boiling on different wettability surfaces, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 139, 110728, 2022. (First and Corresponding author)

J. S. Oh, S. M. An, H. Y. Kim, D. E. Kim*, Hydrodynamic behaviors of adiabatic and diabatic two-phase flow within various particle beds, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 194, 123124, 2022. (Corresponding author)

H. L. Lee, D. E. Kim, J. Park, H. Kim, Effects of liquid subcooling on droplet-wall collision heat transfer in film boiling, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 132, 110571, 2022. (Co-author)


D. E. Kim*, J. S. Oh, Phase structure and its temporal evolution under growing single vapor bubble, Physics of Fluids, 33, 121706, 2021. (First and Corresponding aurthor)

H. Kim, D. E. Kim*, Effects of surface wettability on pool boiling process: Dynamic and thermal behaviors of dry spots and relevant critical heat flux triggering mechanism, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 180, 121762, 2021. (Corresponding author)

D. E. Kim*, J. Park, Experimental study of critical heat flux in pool boiling using visible-ray optics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 169, 120937, 2021. (First and Corresponding author).

D. E. Kim*, J. Park, Visualization study of phase distribution on a boiling surface, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 121, 110261, 2021. (First and Corresponding author).


J. Park, D. E. Kim*, Dynamics of liquid drops levitating on superheated surfaces, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 152, 106321, 2020. (Corresponding author)

J. Park, D. E. Kim*, Dynamic Leidenfrost Temperature of Saturated Water Drops on Textured Surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 150, 119298, 2020. (Corresponding author)

D. E. Kim*, Dynamic Leidenfrost temperature behaviors on uniformly distributed micropillars, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 111, 109954, 2020. (Sole author)


J. Park, D. E. Kim*, Dynamic Leidenfrost behaviors of different fluid drops on superheated surface: Scaling for vapor film thickness, Physics of Fluids 31, 101702, 2019. (Corresponding author)

J. Park, D. E. Kim*, Droplet dynamics on superheated surface with circular micropillars, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 142, 118459, 2019. (Corresponding author)

C. H. Lee, H. Choi, D. W. Jerng, D. E. Kim, S. Wongwises, H.S.  Ahn, Experimental investigation of microbubble generation in the venturi nozzle, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 136, pp. 1127-1138, 2019. (Co-author)


D. W. Jerng, D. E. Kim*, Dynamic Leidenfrost temperature on micro-textured surfaces: Acoustic wave absorption into thin vapor layer, Applied Physics Letters 112(5), 053902, 2018. (Corresponding author)

H. J. Kwak, J. H. Kim, B-S. Myung, M. H. Kim*, D. E. Kim*, Behavior of pool boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux on high aspect-ratio microchannels, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 125, pp. 111-120, 2018. (Corresponding author)


H. Kim, Y. Park, H. Kim, C. Lee, Dong Wook Jerng, D. E. Kim*, Critical heat flux enhancement by single-layered metal wire mesh with micro and nano-sized pore structures, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115, pp. 439-449, 2017. (Corresponding author)

H. Bae, D. E. Kim, S-U. Ryu, S-J. Yi, H-S. Park, Comparison of three SBLOCA tests with different break locations using the SMART-ITL facility to estimate the safety of the SMART design, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 49 (5), pp. 968-978, 2017.

D. E. Kim*, H. S. Ahn, T. S. Kwon, Experimental investigation of filmwise and dropwise condensation inside transparent circular tubes, Applied Thermal Engineering 110, pp. 412-423, 2017. (First and Corresponding author)

A. Pusey, D. E. Kim, H-S. Park, T-S. Kwon, H. Kim*, Visualization method for cross-sectional two-phase flow structure during the condensation of steam in a tube, Journal of Visualization 20, pp. 591-605, 2017.


H. Kim, H. S. Ahn, H. J. Kwak, M. H. Kim, D. E. Kim*, Boiling crisis controlled by capillary pumping and viscous friction: Liquid penetration length and dry spot diameter, Applied Physics Letters 109, 243901, 2016. (Corresponding author)

H. Kim, T. S. Kown, D. E. Kim*, Experimental study of air-cooled water condensation in slightly inclined circular tube using infrared temperature measurement technique, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 308, pp. 38-50, 2016. (Corresponding author)

D. E. Kim, J. Song, H. Kim*, Simultaneous observation of dynamics and thermal evolution of irreversible dry spot at critical heat flux in pool boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 99, pp. 409-424, 2016. (First author)

H. W. Moon, Y. J. Yoon, J. H. Park, B. S. Myung, D. E. Kim*, Dynamic wetting and boiling characteristics on micro-structured and micro/nano hierarchically structured surfaces, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 74, pp. 19-26, 2016. (Corresponding author)


D. E. Kim, D. I. Yu, Su Cheong Park, Ho Jae Kwak, H. S. Ahn*, Critical heat flux triggering mechanism on micro-structured surfaces: Coalesced bubble departure frequency and liquid furnishing capability, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 91, pp. 1237-1247, 2015. (First author)

D. E. Kim, S. C. Park, D. I. Yu, M. H. Kim H. S. Ahn*, Enhanced critical heat flux be capillary driven liquid flow on the well-designed surface, Applied Physics Letters 107, 023903, 2015. (First author)

D. E. Kim, D. I. Yu, D. W. Jerng, M. H. Kim, H. S. Ahn*, Review of boiling heat transfer enhancement on micro/nanostructured surfaces, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 66, pp.173-196, 2015. (First author)

S. H. Khaleel, D. E. Kim, S. K. Moon*, Droplets behavior impacting on a hot surface above the Leidenfrost temperature, Annals of Nuclear Energy 80, pp. 338-347, 2015.

2008- 2014

S. Kim*, D. E. Kim, S. U. Ryu, S. T. Lee, D. J. Euh, Experimental investigation on the natural convection flow in pool boiling, Nucl. Eng. Des. 280, pp. 349-361, 2014.

K. W. Hwang, D. E. Kim, K. H. Yang, J. M. Kim, M. H. Kim, H. S. Park*, Experimental study of flow boiling heat transfer and dryout characteristics at low mass flux in helically-coiled tubes, Nucl. Eng. Des. 273, pp. 529-541, 2014.

B. J. Kim, K. Kim, D. E. Kim, Y. J. Youn, J. Park, S. K. Moon*, C. H. Song, Experimental study on the convective heat transfer enhancement in single-phase steam flow by a support grid, Annals of Nuclear Energy 63, pp. 409-416, 2014.

D. E. Kim, K. H. Yang, K. W. Hwang, Y. H. Ha, M. H. Kim*, Pure steam condensation model with laminar film in a vertical tube, Int. J. Multiphase Flow 37, pp. 941-946, 2011. (First author)

D. E. Kim, M. H. Kim*, Two layer heat transfer model for supercritical fluid flow in a vertical tube, Journal of Supercritical Fluids 58, pp. 15-25, 2011. (First author)

D. E. Kim, K. H. Yang, K. W. Hwang, Y. H. Ha, M. H. Kim*, Simple heat transfer model for laminar film condensation in a vertical tube, Nucl. Eng. Des. 241, pp. 2544-2548, 2011. (First author)

D. E. Kim, M. H. Kim*, Experimental investigation of heat transfer in vertical upward and downward supercritical CO2 flow in a circular tube, Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow 32, pp. 176-191, 2011. (First author)

D. E. Kim, M. H. Kim*, Experimental study of the effects of flow acceleration and buoyancy on heat transfer in a supercritical fluid flow in a circular tube, Nucl. Eng. Des. 240, pp. 3336-3349, 2010. (First author)

J. E. Cha*, T. H. Lee, J. H. Eoh, S. H. Seong, S. O. Kim, D. E. Kim. M. H. Kim, T. W. Kim, K. Y. Suh, Development of a supercritical CO2 Brayton energy conversion system coupled with a sodium cooled fast


D. E. Kim*, M. H. Kim, J. E. Cha, S. O. Kim, Numerical investigation on thermal–hydraulic performance of new printed circuit heat exchanger model, Nucl. Eng. Des. 238, pp. 3269-3276, 2008. (First author)

Domestic Journals


김동억*, 권태순, 박현식, 경사진 원형관에서의 공냉응축에 관한 실험적 연구, 한국유체기계학회 논문집 제 19권 제 4호, pp. 29-34, 2016.

김동억, 박수청, 유동인, 김무환, 안호선*, 명병수, 사각 공동 및 채널이 형성된 마이크로 구조 표면에서의 수조비등 특성연구, 대한기계학회 논문집 B 40, 6, pp. 383-389, 2016.

곽호재, 유동인, 김무환, 박현선, 기요후미 모리야마, 안호선, 김동억, 마이크로-나노 구조가 있는 표면에서의 액적 계면 거동 현상에 대한 연구, 대한기계학회 논문집 B 39, 5, pp. 449-453, 2015.

김동억*, 초임계 이산화탄소의 수직 상향 유동에서의 관내 열전달에 관한 실험적 연구, 대한기계학회논문집 B 38, 7, pp. 607-618, 2014.

김동억*, 나노 구조가 형성된 열전달 표면에서의 임계 열유속 증진 메커니즘, 대한기계학회논문집 B 38, 7, pp. 619-624, 2014.

김동억*, 수직관 내 순수 증기의 층류 액막 응축 모델, 한국유체기계학회 논문집 17, pp. 33-40, 2014.

최치웅*, 허철, 김동억, 김무환, 수치 해석을 이용한 단일 마이크로채널의 단면 가열 조건의 열전달 특성에 관한 연구, 대한기계학회논문집 B 31, pp. 986-993, 2007.


차재은, 김성오, 김동억, 김무환, 열교환기, 1009903090000, 대한민국, 2010.

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